Monday, November 14, 2011

Bob's Return!

I have heard recently that there are still a few checking in on this blog.  I wanted to give you a quick update.  Bob returned about a month a go and will be back in the states for good.  He is currently living in Lincoln, Nebraska, where his brother lives.  He moved into a new apartment last week and starts a new job today!  We are thrilled to have him back!  Here is a picture from the day that we were finally all back together again. 

 Thanks to all for the thoughts and prayers while he was away.  We all appreciate it more than you know. 

Sunday, May 29, 2011

We won't see Bob for a while longer

Hi there,

I'm not sure how many are still following this blog, but I wanted to give you a quick update on Bob.  I was so hoping to be able to post Bob's homecoming adventures about this time, but unfortunately Bob was not able to come to the states.  Apparently there are so many people in his shop that are currently deployed that Bob was not able to get leave.  We were disappointed, but not nearly as much as he was.  I will let you know when he will be able to come home as soon as he knows.  Thanks for your support of him while he is out of the country!


Sunday, December 19, 2010

He's out of there!!!


Here is what Bob posted on Facebook:
‎2/3 of the way back to germany...rockin' it out in Manas the next day or so enjoying my ration of 2 drinks a day
We are thrilled that he is out of Afghanistan.  Sounds like it will still take him a couple of days to reach Germany where he will spend Christmas.  We are hoping to see him sometime in January.  Thanks for you continued thoughts and prayers.

Love, Dan and Linda

Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

Thanks for your prayers and support!

I am always so touched when I hear that someone is praying for Bob.  It pretty much brings me to tears every time!  Bob just couldn't understand why this happens, and I explained that it is a "Mom Thing!"  It is very comforting to know that so many of you think about Bob and support him in what he is doing.  As the days have gone by I am amazed by this.  Here is a word cloud showing those who have been praying for Bob, have sent him something, or have asked us how he is doing.  Your support means so much to us and Bob as well.  Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

*This was the list I came up with in just the last few minutes.  I apologize if I have left you out of the cloud!  I know I will be adding more names as they come to me!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Milestone of sorts!

Dan and I have both heard from Bob via Skype over the past week.  He is doing well and still in good spirits.  The milestone is that he asked us not to send any more packages his way.  He is afraid that they would not arrive by the time he leaves!!!  Excellent news!!!  Thanks to everyone who sent him something.  I know you may not have heard it personally from Bob, but I know he appreciated everything.

We are guessing that he will still be in Afghanistan for a month or so.  He is anxiously awaiting the arrival of the replacements for their group!  After some training time with the next group he will be on his way back to Germany.  I will be so relieved when he is out of Afghanistan!

Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers for Bob and all those who have chosen to serve our country!


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

End In Sight

Hi everyone. This is Tom and Katie here to give you all an update on how Bob is doing. We have been on Skype talking with him at least once or twice a week, but lately it seems like we talk to him more and more. He is mostly excited about getting home and we talk about what we're going to do when we see each other again. A few of the guys Bob is friends with set up a net to hit golf balls into with him. I asked if they have ever lost any balls over the fence, but he said they don't have too many balls to waste that way. Last week Bob took cultural learning classes to learn more about the local language, and can now count to ten. He is still growing his mustache, but I'm not sure if I can convince him to keep it when he gets back. Thanks for caring and thinking about Bob who we all miss and can't wait to see back home.