Thursday, September 23, 2010

Special Guest Blog

Hey everyone, it's Bob.  I am officially past the halfway point out here, so I figured it was time to add another personal touch to my mom's blog.  As far as major events here, the only thing worth noting is the attack we had a couple weeks ago.  I have to commend the Army for the swift and effective suppression of the attack.  Other than that we get the occasional rocket or mortar attack, but you learn to ignore it.  Our actual job is going well, and our support of what's been going on here has been praised (even by the Army).  I would like to thank everyone for the support and the care packages.  I would personally like to thank my Grandpa Bob and Grandma Romaine for the Trick or Treat package they sent.  The treats being candy, Rice Krispie Treats, and a yo-yo (score!).  The trick being a single serving of SPAM.  Though I suppose my grandpa would consider that a treat (ha).  The DVD's that have been sent are appreciated by my team members and myself, and I plan on leaving some of them here for the group that replaces us for morale.  I have been spending my time working on upgrade training for my job, and I hope to knock out as much of it as I can before I leave.  I have been keeping in touch with friends and family through Skype, and it is very nice to be able to keep in touch like that.  I am looking forward to getting out of here, and am looking forward to the chance to get back to the states to see everyone.  Thank you again for all your support, not just to me, but to my family.  I know that me being over here has been just as, if not more, difficult for them as it has for me.  I hope you all are doing well.


  1. Thanks for updating everyone! I know that the followers are probably getting pretty tired of my posts. Enjoy the Spam! Love you!

  2. Hi Bob. Great to hear from you. I think the second half of things alwasy goes faster than the first, at least that is the way it is with ice cream cones, so hang in. Stay Safe Marcia~

  3. Glad to hear you are past the half-way point to being back to the states!
    There are many of us supporting you with good thoughts and prayers for your safety!
    Take good care of yourself!
    Jeff Ingraham
